Pubs and Agents

Middle Grade & Young Adult Publishers & Agents

Updated 8/16/2011

Read this first: Publishers and agents appear on this list because I found them in any number of relevant places: WritersMarket, Publisher's Marketplace, conferences, word-of-mouth, etc. I have only done some basic checking on each of these folks in sources such as Predators & Editors and AbsoluteWrite. Things change rapidly, so before you consider or contact anyone on this list, please do your own research.

If you see anyone on this list that you feel is disreputable, please contact me at eckertnj AT gmail DOT com.

Agents serving the middle grade & YA market in no particular order...
Many, if not all of these agents claim to handle new/unpublished authors.

***Just Added***
Weed Literary - Stephanie Sun reps YA
Lowenstein Associates - Meredith Barnes reps YA, but not really MG
Miriam Altshuler Literary Agency (AAR)
Bond Literary Agency
Don Congdon Associates (AAR) - Try Katie Grimm, among others, for YA.
Jane Rotrosen Agency (AAR) - Try Christina Hogrebe for YA

Pen and Ink Literary
Claire Gerus Literary Agency - Lora Rivera reps YA
Marianne Strong Literary Agency Roseanne Wells handles YA
Liza Dawson Associates
Dystel and Goderich Literary Management
Regal Literary (Recommended on P&E) Michelle Andelman handles YA
Franklin and Siegal
Paul S. Levine Literary Agency
Sarah Jane Freyman Literary (Recommended on P&E) Jessica Sinsheimer handles YA
Linn Prentis Literary
Gelfman Schneider Literary Agents, Inc (Recommended on P&E) Victoria Marini handles YA
D4EO Literary Partners
The Greenhouse Literary Agency
The Strothman Agency, LLC
Sheldon Fogelman Agency
Martin Literary Management (Bree Ogden reps YA/MG fiction)
Nancy Gallt Literary Agency - she reps Rick Riordan's childrens' books (Percy Jackson)
Pippin Properties
Herman Agency
Levine Greenberg Literary Agency, Inc.
DeFiore and Company
Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises
Epstein Literary
The Bent Agency
The McVeigh Agency
Howard Morhaim Literary Agency
Adams Literary
Spencerhill Associates, Ltd.
Wolfson Literary Agency
Will Entertainment
Publish or Perish Agency
Signature Literary Agency
Lescher & Lescher, Ltd
Upstart Crow Literary
Full Circle Literary
McIntosh & Otis
Faye Bender Literary
Signature Literary Agency
JK Literary Management
Fox Literary
Halyard Literary Agency
Foundry Literary + Media
Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Jean V. Naggar Literary
Baker's Mark Literary Agency
Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation
International Creative Management (ICM) - Tina Wexler
Book Cents Literary Agency
Meredith Bernstein Literary Agency
John Hawkins and Associates
J de S Associates
The McCarthy Agency, LLC
Mendel Media
Alison J. Picard
Schiavone Literary Agency, Inc.
Greenhouse Literary Agency
Prospect Agency
Nelson Literary Agency
Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc. - (Gail Hochman)
Barry Goldblatt Literary
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Dunham Literary
Caren Johnson Literary Agency
KT Literary
Inkwell Management
Victoria Sanders
Trident Media Group
The Rights Factory
Scott Treimel New York Agency
Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency, Inc
Spectrum Literary Agency
Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
Susan Schulman A Literary Agency
PFD (Peters, Fraser and Dunlop Ltd)
Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Levine Greenberg Literary Agency Inc.
The Knight Agency
Fletcher & Company
The Veltre Company (formerly Artists Literary Group)
Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Fielding Agency
Elaine Markson Literary Agency
Elyse Cheney Literary Associates
The Ethan Ellenberg Literay Agency
Denise Shannon Literary Agency
Cornerstone Literary
Anne McDermid & Associates
Antony Harwood, Limited
Artists and Artisans, Inc.
Harvey Klinger Agency
JABberwocky Literary Agency
Donald Maass Literary Agency
Diana Finch Literary Agency
Valerie Smith
Valerie Smith, Literary Agent
1746 Rte 44-55
Modena, NY 12548

3 Seas Literary Agency
Sterling Lord Literistic
Trident Media Group
AP Watt
Andrea Hurst
Andrew Mann
Brie Burkeman
Darley Anderson
A.M. Heath & Company, LTD
Conville & Walsh, LTD
Anderson Literary Management
PMA Literary and Film Agency
Avenue A Literary
Talcott Notch Literary
Waxman Literary Agency
Pollinger, LTD
Felicity Bryan
Writer's House
David Higham Associates
Ed Victor, LTD
Stimola Literary Studio
Curtis Brown, Ltd
Folio Literary Management
Jill Grinberg Literary Management, LLC
The Lazear Agency
The Jennifer Dechiara Literary Agency
Kathryn Green Literary Agency (great feedback on absolutewrite)
Laura Langlie, Literary Agent
Serendipity Literary Agency
Bradford Literary Agency
Collins Literary
Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc.
FinePrint Literary Management
Transatlantic Literary Agency
Joy Harris Literary Agency
Marcia Amsterdam Literary Agency (Recommended on P&E)
Elaine Koster Literary Agency, LLC (sold THE KITE RUNNER by Khaled Hosseini)

Publishers in no particular order...
This is a mix of large houses, small press, and online-only publishers.
***Just Added***
MuseItUp Publishing (Canadian E-Publisher)
Dancing Cat Books - an imprint of Cormorant Books
Booxta - Australian based publisher, and imprint of horror publisher, Severed Press.
Action Publishing
Silver Moon Press - Historical fiction only
Bloomsbury USA
Marshall Cavendish Children's Books 
Diversion Press
Holiday House
Royal Fireworks Press
Science & Humanities Press
Black Heron Press
Mountainland Publishing
Top Publications, Ltd.
Blooming Tree Press
Soto Publishing Company
UnTapped Talent
Asylett Press
Atlantic Bridge Publishing
WiDō Publishing
Pelican Publishing Company
Twilight Times Books - print and e-books, recommended on P&E
Walker & Company - A division of Bloomsbury
Kettlestich Press
Mundania Press
Bell Bridge Books - imprint of BelleBooks
Albert Whitman & Company
Tradewind Books - make sure you read their submission guidelines!
Baen Books - Sci-fi and fantasy YA only. Recommended on P&E
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Tor/Starscape - Recommended on P&E
Arthur A. Levine Books - imprint of Scholastic. Yes, The Harry Potter folks
Delacorte Press Contest for a First Young Adult Novel
Puffin Books, Dutton, and Philomel Books - among many imprints of Penguin Group
Henry Holt and Company
Houghton Mifflin Books For Children
Wildchild Publishing - recommended on P&E
Paul Dry Books
Accomplice Press
Sourcebooks, inc.
Absey & Company, Inc.
Boyds Mill Press & Front Street
Bancroft Press
The Dundurn Group
Ooligan Press
Peachtree Publishers
Orca Book Publishers - only publishes Canadian authors as of April '08
Creative Book Publishing
SynergEBooks - primarily an ebook publisher
Whiskey Creek Press
OnStage Publishing - llisted in Writer's Digest Hot Markets, Feb 2008

Don't forget to check these:

Publisher's Lunch - you might see what agents have sold to what publishers
Publisher's Market Search page

Cautionary Tales
Check here before contacting or signing any contracts!

Preditors & Editors
Writer Beware
Absolute Write water cooler
From the desk of Piers Anthony

Looking for querying and agent related comments and advice? Check out these blogs:

Help! I Need a Publisher!
Miss Snark - no longer updated
The Rejector
Evil Editor
Editorial Anonymous
Literary Rambles (Casey McCormick's great research on agents)